Monday, 27 October 2014

Empathy is what we need (CE3)

          " Man must evolve for all human conflict a method that rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation.
            The foundation of such method is love."- Martin Luther King, Jr

Conflict can appear to be prominent or concealed in every company and is undeniably prevalent.
Therefore, it is a matter on how to overcome the conflict and manage in the most efficient manner as possible.

In my workplace, managing conflict is practiced individually however the most frequent practice would be avoidance as it seems to be the most convenient and hassle-free for most individuals as the job scopes of every team member is generally specialized and seldom require any integration of duties. However, if there is any need for the team member to communicate due to work -related issues, they will go through a mediator to negotiate on certain issues and the mediator happened to be me.

I have advised different methods of negotiation with both concerning parties however one is always not in a state of condone due to his egoistic personality. His ego is customarily due to his longer period of working in the company in comparison to the other party who has relinquish the matter since he come to know of it.

This illustrates that an attitude problem is the cause of the conflict when personal matter should not be brought together into work as it will only make matters more complex.

The source of of conflict is mainly the tension between both of them and thus cliques were formed and curtailed communication and cooperation especially during meetings as they will constantly have feelings that negate towards each other.

This also caused poor decision making at times when there is a change of standard of procedures or on certain protocols that require both party to communicate and discuss the optimum manner of executing certain changes of procedures.

This will lead to a breakdown of communication and require a mediator to negotiate and come to consensus to a decision having the same objective at hand. Although this seems challenging and sometimes arduous to the mediator, it seems to be most effective manner in dealing the conflict that is concurrent in my department. Therefore, I agree to Martin Luther King, Jr that empathy and understanding is the key to resolving any conflict.

Colours of the World (CE 2)

Diversity can be defined as varied mixture or melange or an assortment.
This diversity is referring to the people around us. There is a diversity of nationalities, languages, personalities, age, culture, belief , interpersonal styles, learning manner, interests, race, religion, educational advantage in terms of merit. 

Diversity is inevitable, especially in Singapore where majority of the productivity of the nation is accomplished by foreign talent. We all know that Singapore is an open economy and everything is based on globalization for the nation to move forward and Singapore's only resources is human labour. 

Therefore, it is up to the citizens to cope with the diversity that is materializing as seconds ticked by. Diversity even occurs in our own home as different people have different ways of learning, communicating, understanding, and different types of friends that are of different race and culture that they associate themselves with.

At my workplace, the diversity that I am exposed to is the different races I had to communicate with which resulted in a language barrier, the different culture, different interpersonal styles, different experience and working style.

The way this matter is handled is by having a common language that we can communicate with which is basic English. The information that our team leaders would be disseminating is always in English which overrides the language barrier between different races.

Another subsequent barrier would be how the information is relayed to other team members. The appropriate communication channel which would minimize any perceptual barriers and is most effective if were to be practiced are carried out through meetings where the message conveyed is direct and with conviction from the superiors as well as subordinates. 

Moreover, two-way communication can take place in order for the receiver to comprehend the message that is delivered through feedback by asking the communicator of any doubts that may arise after the message is delivered thus practicing effective communication. These practices are frequently carried out in my company as well as other companies in general as this significantly reduces any miscommunication that may emerge.
Therefore I will end in a quote that is shown below.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Networking is essential (CE 1)

The primary learning objective of the lesson is the communication and interaction facilitated through different means. One example that I learnt is the different expressions of networking. Networking can be defined as the exchange of the information which takes place daily in my department. 

 I am in the legal and compliance department where communication is executed daily between team members, merchants, banks and buyers via email. Generally, communication takes place through the provided company messenger software between team members to expedite certain processes and procedures that is required to perform during our daily routine monitoring.

The facilitation of exchange of information is frequent and rapid in an e-commerce company as every communication takes place online.
However, issue may arise if the individual were to interpret the message with a different tone and this will then develop into a perceptual barrier that may deteriorate the content of the given message that is to be conveyed.

In order to overcome those barriers is basically to eliminate one's perception through ensuring the matter again with the team member and encourage feedbacks to embellish effective communication and expedite the procedures. Fortunately, this is being practiced in our department and has greatly assist in my progress as well as others as our communication even takes place face-to-face with the manager directly if there are any outstanding issues.

Currently, I was required to mentor and supervise the part-timers in relieving my workload that I am entrusted to. There are different ways of communication that can take place. However, I decided to adopt an on-the-job-training instead of just informing the standard of procedures and showing them the rope. I demonstrated to them the operation and explain to them the reason we need to do such procedures then I instructed them to carry out the procedures without my guidance but under my supervision until they managed to learn how to perform the job tasks by themselves.

I understand that different types of networking can take place like documenting the steps and the guidelines then emailing them to follow them strictly. I have tried and this specific type of networking failed as not only did the part-timer was not motivated to work, their perspective of the guidelines that are illustrated differs which lead to miscommunication and problems at work.

Therefore, I concluded into adopting an on-the job training instead where communication can be shaped into actions which can be executed accurately.